Thursday, September 29


In late July I dug up my 30 favorite roses and moved them to our new home in the country.  I now have over an acre to plant and grow my roses.  It was certainly hard to choose which roses to pick.

It was the "wrong" time of year to transplant roses.  All I did was hack them back to about 6" above the ground, dug them up and plopped them into pots.  Some got new potting soil, some just got set in the pots with whatever dirt came with them.

irish gold     celine
Know what?  I only lost one of the plants.  Everything else responded to daily watering and weekly doses of miracle grow.

The one I lost was my fault, because I didn't do it properly.  I was tired after digging up a bunch and I had put too much soil in the pot before adding the rose, so the root ball was left out.


Which was a bummer, 'cause it was one of my favorites. (Lucetta)

Most of them now have buds on them or have bloomed, showing just how hardy they are.

april in paris (2)    southern belle

April in Paris was the first to bloom, with Southern Belle not far behind.  The blooms were smaller than usual, but still beautiful!

For an up to date list of the roses I brought with me, click here.