Tuesday, May 10

No wrong way to love a rose

I am a firm believer that anyone can grow roses. 

This last year has been a crazy one for me, I haven't taken care of my roses at all.
A few got cut back - but at the wrong time.
Most have been left to fend for themselves.

We're building a home out in the country, with more space for my roses.
But - I need to dig them all up and move them.
They will be dug up this summer (the "wrong" time to transplant roses)
They will winter in the pots, most likely they'll be potted for at least a year.  If they can survive all that, anyone can love a rose.

Back to today.
the rain stopped long enough for me to snap a few pictures of my garden.

lavendar tree

Yes, there are some really sad looking roses.
Ones that obviously need a little TLC, but there are also some that are covered in buds and almost ready to bloom.

The first roses of the Spring are my favorite - I look forward to them every year.

Alchymist is the closest to blooming.
She's also sheltered against the house, on a south facing wall.
Right under my bedroom window.


She's been a part of my garden since the Spring of 2009.
She's gone nuts.
There are two or three big canes arching onto the path - since I didn't get a chance to trellis her last summer.

Paul's Himalayan Musk is also huge.  I whack this plant all through the year.  It can get huge, but doesn't seem to mind my feeble attempts to constrain its growth.  He's 4 years old.


I also love lilacs, and have two different varieties in my yard.

a deep purple with no scent
deep liliac

and a light lavender with minimal scent.
lavender liliac

what do you look forward to in the Spring?

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